Body Weight
reps and duration
The psoas muscle is a deep hip flexor that connects the lumbar spine to the top of the thigh bone. Stretching the psoas can help alleviate tightness in the hips and lower back. Begin by kneeling on a soft surface such as a yoga mat or carpet. Make sure your knees are directly under your hips and your shins are parallel to each other. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your torso and maintain good posture throughout the stretch. Step your right foot forward, placing it flat on the ground in front of you. Your knee should be bent at a 90-degree angle, positioned directly above your ankle. Shift your weight forward slightly, so you feel a gentle stretch in the front of your left hip and thigh. You should feel a deep stretch along the front of the left hip and into the abdomen. To deepen the stretch, gently tilt your pelvis forward by tucking your tailbone under. Take your left arm extend it fully overhead. Once in this position, flex the trunk to the right towards the bent knee, stretching the arm that way too. This will increase the stretch along the front of the left hip and psoas muscle. Hold the stretch for 30-60 seconds, breathing deeply and allowing your body to relax into the stretch. Avoid holding your breath or tensing up. Release the stretch by stepping your right foot back to the kneeling position. Switch sides by stepping your left foot forward and repeating the stretch on the opposite side. Perform 2-3 repetitions on each side, gradually increasing the duration of the stretch as you feel more comfortable.
Alternative Back Exercises