weight and reps
The tricep dumbbell kickback exercise is one of the most beneficial and classic exercises for the arms and building bigger triceps. Steps : 1.) Start by standing alongside a flat bench, bending your right knee and placing it upon the bench, then placing your right hand on the bench for support. 2.) Grab and hold a dumbbell in your left hand while placing your left foot on the floor. 3.) Bend your left arm and raise it up towards your shoulder, then with a controlled kick back motion, extend your arm fully behind you until you feel a stretch in your tricep muscle. 4.) Hold this position for a count, then return back to the starting position. 5.) Switch arms and repeat for as many reps and sets as desired. Tips : 1.) You want to make sure that you keep your elbows in close to your body throughout the entire exercise.
Alternative Triceps Exercises