Upper Legs
Lower Legs
weight and reps
The plie' squat is a version of the squat exercise that is performed with a dumbbell to strengthen the glutes and leg muscles. Steps : 1.) Start by standing with your feet 2-4 inches wider than your shoulders, with your toes pointed out at a 45 degree angles. 2.) Grab onto one dumbbell with both hands. Let the arms hang straight down holding one end of the dumbbell vertically. Maintain this position in the center of your body making sure that you keep your knees slightly bent and your back straight. 3.) Squat down as if you were going to sit in a chair, bringing your thighs parallel to the floor.The goal is to touch one head of the dumbbell to the floor. 4.) With a controlled motion return to starting position. 5.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.
Alternative Upper Legs Exercises