weight and reps
Steps : 1.) Start by taking a medicine ball and holding it against your chest. 2.) Sit down on a stability ball ball, while keeping the medicine ball against your chest, then walk your feet forward so that only your low to mid back is resting on the stability ball. 3.) Extend your arms behind your head and behind the ball. 4.) Then lift up through your abs and extend your arms forward throwing the medicine ball out high and in front of you. 5.) Continue to extend forward until you feel a stretch in your core and your shoulders. 6.) Either receive the ball from your partner or on the bounce back from the wall. 7.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired. Tips : 1.) For this exercise you will use either a partner to receive the ball during the throw or throw the ball up against a wall where you will be able to catch and receive the bounce back.
Alternative Abs Exercises