weight and reps
The barbell landmine kneeling one-arm press is an excellent exercise for targeting the shoulders, triceps, and core stability. Place one end of the barbell into the landmine attachment or secure it in a corner. Load weight plates onto the other end of the barbell according to your strength and fitness level. Kneel down in front of the landmine with your knees on the ground and your torso upright. With one hand, grip the end of the barbell that's loaded with weights. Hold the barbell at shoulder height, palm facing inward, with your elbow bent and your forearm perpendicular to the ground. This will be your starting position. Brace your core to maintain stability throughout the movement. Press the barbell upward by extending your arm fully overhead. Keep your elbow close to your body as you press. Once your arm is fully extended, pause briefly at the top of the movement to engage your shoulder and tricep muscles. Slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position under control, bending your elbow and bringing the weight down to shoulder height.
Alternative Shoulders Exercises