weight and reps
The Dumbbell One-Arm Lateral Raise (Prone) is a variation of the lateral raise that targets the lateral or middle deltoid muscle while minimizing the involvement of other muscles. Performing this exercise prone (face down) helps to isolate the lateral deltoids more effectively. Here’s how to do it correctly: Setup: Set up an incline bench. Adjust an incline bench to about a 30-45 degree angle. Position yourself on the bench: Lie face down on the bench with your chest and stomach supported. Your feet should be flat on the floor and your head in a neutral position, looking down. Hold a dumbbell in one hand. Let your arm hang straight down from your shoulder with the dumbbell in a neutral grip (palm facing inwards). Execution: Begin the movement by raising your arm out to the side until it is at shoulder height. Keep a slight bend in your elbow to reduce stress on your joints. Your palm should face the floor as you lift the weight. Control the movement: Lift the weight in a controlled manner, avoiding momentum or swinging. Focus on using your lateral deltoid muscle to lift the weight. Pause briefly at the top: Once your arm reaches shoulder height, pause for a brief moment. Ensure your shoulder remains level and your body stays stable on the bench. Lower the dumbbell slowly: Lower the weight back to the starting position in a controlled manner. Maintain the slight bend in your elbow and avoid letting the dumbbell drop quickly.
Alternative Shoulders Exercises